
16 November 2009

Things that have helped me

So, I'm been pretty successful lately. I've had good losses, and I think part of it is because of two things!

1. Greek yogurt in the morning. Seriously. I buy the vanilla flavored one (I'm a baby and lazy) and I mix it with 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal. It is only 3 pts. Greek yogurt has a TON more protein than normal yogurt so I feel super full for longer!

2. Stir fry. I've start stir frying lately. I mix morningstar farm "chicken" strips and veggies. I end up getting like at least 2 servings of veggies, my oils, and a protein for only 4 pts. Yum. I stir fry with a Terayaki sauce.

03 November 2009

WW meetings

I started going to WW meetings last week. This week we talked about surviving the holidays.

I'm going to keep a list of things to do during the holidays.


Being really busy during finals and not being able to track or get the support I need. I don't want to gain again.

Biggest Loser

So, I'm part of the Biggest Loser challenge in the 20s WW board. My teammates are awesome.

Since the challenge started, I've been watching the Biggest Loser. It has been very entertaining.

Kind of annoying with the ads, but still very entertaining.

I think Bob and Amanda have something going on. I also really hate Tracey and the fact that the last hour is WI.

It is really annoying that it isn't online until a week after. I've been coming home after my WW meeting to watch it.