
16 November 2009

Things that have helped me

So, I'm been pretty successful lately. I've had good losses, and I think part of it is because of two things!

1. Greek yogurt in the morning. Seriously. I buy the vanilla flavored one (I'm a baby and lazy) and I mix it with 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal. It is only 3 pts. Greek yogurt has a TON more protein than normal yogurt so I feel super full for longer!

2. Stir fry. I've start stir frying lately. I mix morningstar farm "chicken" strips and veggies. I end up getting like at least 2 servings of veggies, my oils, and a protein for only 4 pts. Yum. I stir fry with a Terayaki sauce.

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